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2013 TSOA Nationals Track Day at Lakeside

Written by R Hanton

Tuesday October 8th 2013, the Track day at Lakeside during the 2013 Nationals was enjoyed by all spectators and participants alike.

The day consisted of 3 x sprint runs each in groups of 4, 6 and 8 cylinder vehicles followed by a regularity session and to end the day, Happy Laps for the non-competitors to at least have a run round the track at a more sedate speed.

We had about 10 cars from the rally competing plus another 15 or so invited cars including Triumphs, Len Watson's 308GTB Ferrari and even a Nissan (driven by an apprentice Triumph Mechanic)

The Photo is Bruce Pollock from WA in the sand trap (Sandgroper ?). Bruce has challenged us all to get across to WA next year and see how we go at Barbagallo Raceway and the Zig Zag Hill climb. Looking forward to the challenge. Great effort by Bruce and the other WA participants to travel all the way across the country.


The video below is a few highlights of the sprints in my TR7 V8



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