Mac’s Bridge BBQ – Saturday 9th October
TSOAQ will be hosting a thank you BBQ for Mac’s Bridge helpers, past and present at the clubrooms from 10.00am on Saturday 9th October.
Daryl and Murray have kindly volunteered to organise the purchase of the food and supervise the cooking on the BBQ. The food and drinks will be supplied by TSOAQ.
Although this is primarily intended as a thank you for the people who assisted in making this year’s Mac’s Bridge such a successful event all club members and their wives/partners are welcome to come along. We will also be asking members of Bayside Restorers who helped on the day to join us. The event will be posted onto the club’s calendar, so bring along your Triumph.
Will those intending to join please confirm by 7th October so that food supplies can be organised. Email Mike Taylor on, text or call 0418 983 098
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