TSOAQ Christmas Party – Saturday 26th November 2022
The TSOAQ 2022 Christmas Party is on Saturday 26th November, and is being held at the clubrooms 1376 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale from 11.00am to mid or late afternoon, the main meal will be served at approx. 1.00pm.
The cost is $35.00 per head (same as last year), and complimentary drinks will be supplied by TSOAQ.
We have engaged the services of the same caterer as last year, and the menu is as follows.
Main Meal
All main meals served with dinner rolls and red wine jus.
Dessert – Alternate drop
After dinner
Members with special dietary needs should advise their requirements at the time of confirming their attendance.
Can members confirm their attendance by mailing secretary@tsoaq.org.au, phone or text Mike on 0418 983 098 by Tuesday 22nd of November so that we can advise the caterer.
Can attending members also direct deposit the cost of the meals into the TSOAQ bank account, details below
Banking Details - Bendigo Bank
BSB - 633000 A/c no. - 126393859
Please use your surname as a reference
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