September Car Run Lake Cressbrook – 240km
Will Members Advise John Partington on or 0497 001 854 of their Intention to Participate
Meet at BP Blacksoil - 8.45am for 9am Start
Then on to Fernvale for coffee via Glamorgan Vale
Travel past Lake Wivenhoe to Esk,
Turn left towards Hampton (Hampton Esk Rd)
Turn right onto Mount Jockey Rd
Turn left onto Perseverance Dam Rd
Turn right to Cressbrook Lake 4.5km downhill to Water
Noon Picnic lunch (Toilets and BBQ Area)
Back to main road over Perseverance Dam wall through Pechey to Cuckoo Clock Shop in Black Forest Hill (Cafe and Toilet)
About 2.15pm head for home via Spring Bluff/ Murphy's Creek / Postsmans Ridge
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