ICC Khancross organised by Holden Sporting CC
HSCCQ are hosting the next round of the QLD Interclub Challenge. This will be a bitumen khanacross held at Willowbank on Sunday November 21st.
Khanacross is a great form of grass roots motorsports aimed to bring together those who are new to motorsport with those who already have a love for speed.
Khanacross is held on a fairly tight course with the rules stipulating a limit to the track length and the maximum distance between corners. The idea is to manage the top speed and therefore keep the risk manageable. HSCCQ run a low key / inclusive event where safety and enjoyment are the priority. With an entry cost of $50 this is some of the most cost effective motor sport in South East Queensland.
If you are even slightly interested get an entry in. HSCCQ will refund any payment if you need to withdraw for any reason. Please contact Greg if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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