Most Triumphs qualify for the "Special Interest Vehicle Concession" with the Queensland Government Department of Transport. There are limitations as to which types of vehicles qualify for concessional registration and where and when the vehicle can be used.
To qualify for the Special Interest Vehicle Concession:
- The vehicle must be at least 30 years old.
- You must be a member of an incorporated car club or association eg TSOAQ
- The Vehicle must be in original condition
- Have a certificate issued by the dating officer of the TSOAQ authenticating its condition and year of manufacture
Note : Vehicles fitted with a modification plate, code LH10 are not eligible for a special interest vehicle concession.
Vehicles with Special Interest Vehicle Concession Registration can only be driven under the following situations.
- Participating in rallies organised by incorporated car clubs.
- Participating in processions for which a Special Events Permit has been issued.
- Travel in order to have the vehicle repaired.
- Road testing within a 15 kilometre radius from the place where the vehicle is garaged.
This is only a brief extract of the Queensland Government, Department of Transport conditions and requirements of "Tthe special interest vehicle scheme". More information can be found on the QLD Govenmrnt web site here |
The current TSOAQ Dating Officer can be found here - If you have any questions please contact the Dating Officer directly.
Please Note:
Members with cars on Concessional Registration must be able to prove to police that the vehicle is on public roads for reasons within the approved limits of restricted use. At all times when the vehicle is driven on the road, Members must carry Club membership card and current Club magazine, or other written evidence giving particulars of the event being attended. Failure to be able to provide prrof of legitimate use could result in the driver being fined and the vehicle being regarded as unregistered and uninsured.